Climate & Sustainability

Newell Open Space Preserve


The City of American Canyon prides itself on being leaders in environmental action, responsible growth and a sustainable future.  

Get Involved in Regional Climate Action Efforts 

As climate changes continue to escalate, coordinated regional efforts are essential to ensure a sustainable and resilient future. The Napa County Regional Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (RCAAP) will help develop actions that will serve as a roadmap to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and climate vulnerabilities, advancing the region’s sustainability and resilience goals.The RCAAP is a collaborative effort led by multiple jurisdictions, including the County of Napa, the Cities of American Canyon, CalistogaNapaSt. Helena, and the Town of Yountville. Together, they have partnered to leverage resources and promote engagement to advance climate action and adaptation in the Napa region.


American Canyon in Action

  • American Canyon was the first city in Napa County to ban new gas stations, making us the second city in the state to accomplish that after Petaluma. Learn more in this Napa Valley Register article

  • American Canyon High School students brought the gas station ban to our attention. Learn more in this KneeDeep Times article.

  • We required solar panels on all new home construction before it became a law in California.

  • We are the only city in Napa County with a recycled water program. During the height of the drought, we delivered recycled water to residents to use instead of potable water on their trees, gardens, vegetables and lawns. 

  • Water Demand: In August 2013, American Canyon received 412 acre-feet (AF) of water from the State Water Project. By August 2023, this number decreased to 266 AF, even though the population increased from 20,171 to 21,631, and 12 million square feet (SF) of commercial and industrial space was added. This reduction is due to fixing leaks and implementing the Zero Water Footprint policy.

  • American Canyon adopted a Zero Water Footprint (ZWF) policy to ensure we are not adding to our potable (usable) water demand. This means that all developments must balance out the additional potable water they will consume, matching it on a one-to-one basis. As part of the process, developers must first minimize their demand for new potable water by implementing the following practices: using water-efficient fixtures, consuming recycled water for non-potable uses when available, dual plumbing buildings, installing water-wise landscaping and more. After refining the development plan to minimize potable water needs, the City works with developers to evaluate the water footprint of the project to determine if the project has achieved a ZWF. The City doesn't approve projects unless they meet ZWF. Learn more in this video

  • All new homes and buildings require drought-tolerant landscaping.

  • All of American Canyon’s parks and public landscaping use recycled water for landscaping.

  • American Canyon implements traffic calming measures in the surrounding warehouse areas. For example, Amazon drivers aren’t allowed to depart their area until 10 a.m., alleviating traffic during the rush hour. We also work to ensure they implement all sustainable measures like electric fleets and solar panels.

  • American Canyon's Walmart is primarily lit using skylights in the ceiling.

  • Sheep grazing takes place in our open spaces and parks. This project is in partnership with the American Canyon Fire Protection District, Napa FireWise, the County of Napa and Napa Pasture Protein. This approach supports local agriculture, helps preserve our environment, reduces fire load in hard-to-reach areas like our creeks and waterways and enhances the property's biodiversity. 

  • Through a partnership with the American Canyon Community & Parks Foundation, the City’s corporation yard, an old industrial site along the Napa River Wetlands, will be repurposed into the Napa River Ecology Center (Eco-Center) to provide a unique opportunity for conservation programs and environmental education. Learn more on the Eco-Center’s website.

Water Sustainability

The critical droughts from 2020-2022 emphasized American Canyon's need for permanent, reliable water sources to serve its residents and businesses. The City of American Canyon purchases nearly all our water from the State Water Project, which is operated and maintained by the California Department of Water Resources and supplies water for 25 million Californians. The City also maintains connections with the Cities of Napa and Vallejo, who are able to provide treated water supplies if necessary.

As California continues to face statewide water management challenges, the City of American Canyon is doing its part to address the need for a sustainable water supply. In an effort to conserve potable (drinking) water, American Canyon provides recycled water — wastewater that is rigorously treated and disinfected — that meets strict standards of the California Department of Public Health and can be used for outdoor irrigation. In 2023, American Canyon constructed new recycled water mains to expand our recycled water system. Existing services were converted from domestic to recycled water systems, saving 42 acre-feet of potable water. In 2024, American Canyon intends to explore the possibility of new key-card access fill stations to increase the convenience of accessing recycled water.

Energy Compliance