For questions related to business licenses, contact Business Licenses.
For questions related to building permits, building inspections, code violations, active development projects, zoning and housing resources, contact Community Development.
For questions related to environmental permits and/or concerning wastewater, stormwater, recycled water and solid waste, contact Environmental Services.
For questions related to accounts utility payments and City fees, contact Finance.
For questions related to fire prevention and emergency preparedness, contact the Fire Protection District.
For questions about careers with American Canyon, contact Human Resources.
For questions related to activities, recreational programs and facility rentals, contact Parks & Recreation.
To report graffiti, report an abandoned vehicle, register your bike and/or to join neighborhood watch, contact Police.
To report a(n) issue, spill or traffic concerns and for any questions related to the city’s infrastructure, contact Public Works.
To file a claim against the City, contact Risk Management.
For questions related to your utility payment and accounts, contact Utility Billing.
Welcome to the City of American Canyon service directory. If you have an after-hours emergency, please call our answering service at (707) 995-8674 for immediate assistance.
Email | (707) 647-4580
Building Division | (707) 647-4581
Code Enforcement Division | (707) 647-4599
Planning & Zoning Division | (707) 647-4348
General Inquiries | (707) 647-4348
(707) 647-5325 | Email
Accounting (707) 647-5308
Accounts Payable Email (707) 647-4574
Accounts Receivable (707) 647-4580
Emergency - 911
Non-emergency Dispatch (707) 253-4451
Administration Offices 911 Donaldson Way East American Canyon, CA (707) 551-0650
Email | (707) 647-4361
Email | (707) 648-7275
Active Adult Center | (707) 647-5350
Phillip West Aquatic Center | (707) 647-4570
Emergency | 911
Non-emergency Dispatch | (707) 253-4451
American Canyon Police Department 911 Donaldson Way East American Canyon, CA 94503
Business Office (707) 551-0600
After Hours (707) 995-8674
Administration (707) 647-4558
Maintenance (Streets, Parks, Facilities & Fleet) (707) 647-4550
Utilities (707) 647-5325
(707) 647-4361
(707) 647-4364