Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG)

Fats, Oil, and Grease (FOG) are wastes generated as byproducts from food preparation activities.  

FOG is not only generated from frying food, but also from cooking oil, lard, shortening, meat fats, sauces, gravy, mayonnaise, butter, margarine, ice cream and soups as well as food scraps and baking goods. Wastewater from sinks, hoods and floor cleaning are also sources of FOG. They are generated in restaurants, hotels, catering, nursing homes, school kitchens, churches, grocery stores, as well as residential kitchens.

When FOG is discharged to the sewer in liquid form, it cools and accumulates on the interior of the sewer pipes. Over time, this accumulation of restricts the flow and causes blockages which can result in sewage back-ups in kitchens and private property and Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) from manholes. This in turn also helps to prevent sanitary sewage from becoming a public health hazard and from polluting our local waterways.


It's no exaggeration that we live, work, and play in a watershed that flows to the Bay. When grease is poured down sinks, it can solidify and cause sewer backups into houses or onto streets. Raw sewage can enter storm drains, creeks and the Napa River, all of which is sure to harm wildlife. Please don't dispose of used cooking oil or grease down the drain.

  • Wipe out pots and pans with a paper towel before doing dishes.
  • Pour small amounts of cooking grease into a sealed container and place that container in the garbage.

Large amounts of used cooking oil (up to 10 gallons,) including turkey fryer grease, should be contained and recycled. Recology American Canyon's online "What Bin" tool can help provide the options.