Emergency Preparedness

Napa County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (April 2020)

County of Napa Emergency Operation Plan (September 2016)

Be Prepared 

Download the Listos California Disaster Ready Guide.

When an emergency strikes, there will not be much time to figure out what you need to do. Plan now so that you have the ability to safely and swiftly respond. Take some time to review our Ready AC pages:

Riding out a Disaster

Are you ready to ride it out if an earthquake hit our community today? In the event of a major incident, we need to assume there could be limited help in the initial hours before emergency first-responders from outside the area arrive to help our local police and fire departments.

The best thing you can do is prepare now so that you can take care of yourself, your family, neighbors, and friends when the inevitable occurs. To get started, sit down and layout your emergency plan. To help, review Ready’s Make a Plan webpage and our 7 Ps for Preparedness(PDF, 120KB) list. Once your plan is complete, print it out, and share it with the members of your household. Discuss and update your plan regularly.

As a part of your emergency plan, be sure to create an emergency supply kit. To help you get organized, view our list of must-have emergency supplies(PDF, 142KB).

First, Take Care of Loved Ones

Discuss with your family what you will do during and immediately after a major incident, regardless of where you may be when the emergency occurs. In addition to sharing your emergency plan, ensure that your caregivers are also in the know. Review your plan and the Caregiver Checklist(PDF, 130KB) with those who care for your family in your absence.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Neighborhoods are encouraged to work together to prepare for and respond to an emergency. In the case of an emergency, you will want to know your neighbors names, how to reach them, and how to get in touch with their emergency contacts. It’s also important to know if your neighbors have special needs or have special resources or equipment that can help when disaster strikes.

Consider joining the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). Being on the CERT team will give you the training you need to take care of your community, while also helping you build a network of contacts throughout the city.

General Planning Tips

The first 72 hours after an emergency are critical. Electricity, gas, water, and telephones (landlines and cell) may not be working. In addition, public safety services, such as police, fire department, and public works personnel will be busy responding to the incident. Be prepared to be self-sufficient without access to running water, electricity, gas, telephones, and safety service assistance for at least three days following a disaster. Consider keeping the following items on hand in a central location.

  • Alternative cooking source, like a barbecue or camping stove
  • Extra blankets, clothing, shoes, and cash
  • Fire extinguisher
  • First Aid Kit well stocked with bandages and disinfectants
  • Flashlights and extra batteries
  • Enough food for 72 hours
  • Portable radio with extra batteries
  • At least a one-week supply of medications and food for those with special needs
  • A pipe wrench for turning off the gas meter
  • One gallon of water per person per day for 72 hours stored in airtight containers and replaced every six months

For additional information on emergency preparedness planning, visit Ready.gov.

* The information on this website is provided under the California Emergency Services Act (California Government Code section 8550 et seq.) and for informational purposes only. The information on this website: (1) is necessarily general and not intended to be a complete guide to all things that can or should be done in the event of an emergency, (2) is subject to change at any time including in the event of an emergency, and (3) may not apply to your specific needs and/or circumstances in the event of an emergency. Emergency preparedness is your responsibility. Relevant information regarding a particular emergency may be different than the information provided on this website. All persons should consult relevant authorities for information regarding a particular emergency. There are many sources of information for emergency preparedness and all persons should consult as many resources as possible.