About the District

The American Canyon Fire Protection District ("District") was founded in 1957. When the City of American Canyon incorporated in 1992, the District was maintained as a subsidiary special district to the City of American Canyon. The District's response area is approximately 15 miles in size and protects a population of 21,605 (not including visitors).

Bordered on the south by the City of Vallejo, on the west by the Napa River and on the east by Interstate 80, the District is frequently called upon to provide automatic and mutual aid to multiple agencies in Napa & Solano counties.

History of the District

On August 4, 1955, citizens of the "Napa Junction" area voted to permanently establish the American Canyon Fire Protection District ("District"). The District then became fully funded with it's own Board and was in full operation. In the beginning there was two (2) paid staff, thirty (30) volunteers and three (3) elected Board Members. The first fire truck was purchased on lease for five (5) years. On November 6, 1957, the State of California formally recognized the District as a legal entity entitled to exercise all of its powers, rights, and privileges under the Local Fire District Law. Throughout the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's and into the 20th century, the District continued to add paid staffing as the community grew.

Originally the District had a Insurance Service Office (ISO) rating of a Class 5. (ISO rates all Departments within California as Class 1 being the best, Class 10 the worst, and insurance premiums are based on the rating.) During this time the governing body was an independent, three person, elected Board of Directors. Members were elected at large. When the City of American Canyon was incorporated in 1992 the District remained as a "subsidiary" special district.

In the 1980's the District faced financial problems resulting from the passage of Proposition 13. The District was successful in passing a voter approved fee which helped to make up for the loss in property tax revenues. This fee, known as the "Fire Service Fee", was passed with the required two-thirds majority in favor. The District also passed a one-time tax on new construction by the required two-thirds majority. This fee is known as the "Fire Mitigation Fee." Fire mitigation fee revenue is restricted to construction of new facilities and purchase of major new fire apparatus and equipment.

The current Insurance Services Office (ISO) rating of the American Canyon Fire Protection District is a Class 2 / 2Y and the District has 23 career fire personnel.

Services We Provide

Providing a high level of FIRE SUPPRESSION, EMS, and RESCUE services to the community is a priority with a multitude of specially developed programs designed to meet this challenge. The District has representation on regional response teams such as the Napa Inter-agency Hazardous Incident Team (NIHIT), and the Napa Inter-agency Rescue Team (NIRT). The District is also recognized by the California Office of Emergency Services (Cal-OES) as a Type I US&R single resource ("heavy rescue").

On May 16, 2014, the District commenced a "first response" Advanced Life Support Program. A fire engine is staffed by at least one firefighter who is also a licensed paramedic on a 24-7 basis. The District and American Medical Response (AMR) have established a public- private partnership that enhances the emergency medical system in Napa County and are working together to provide a higher level of care to patients in the shortest possible amount of time.