Fire Prevention

The goal of fire prevention is to provide the highest level of customer care and service to the citizens and businesses in American Canyon. The District participates in educational programs, such as "Fire Prevention Week", school fire drills, and the "Safe" program to increase community awareness of fire safety and prevention.

Fire Code Operational Permit Program

The Fire Code Operational Permit Program was established in July 2012 to provide emergency responders with current business information as well as to identify operations or processes being conducted at the place of business. Click on the links below for more information.


Fire Inspection Information

To schedule inspections, please contact the Prevention Hotline at (650) 522-2610 no later than 48 hours in advance.


Service Priorities

  • Partnering with the Community while promoting Fire and Life Safety.
  • Providing Public Education and awareness to reduce the fire and life safety risk.
  • Utilizing well-trained inspectors to educate the public while conducting a comprehensive inspection and code enforcement program.
  • Investigating the case and origin of fire.
  • Fire and Life Safety records and maintenance.


Weed Abatement/Vegetation Management

American Canyon Fire Protection District Ordinance 2015-01(PDF, 5MB) requires the District to conduct annual inspections of properties for the purpose of abating hazardous vegetation and accumulations of combustible materials. All properties are required to be completely cleared by June 1st of each year, and then maintained throughout the fire season. The end of fire season is typically around November 1st, or only after measurable amounts of rainfall and when deemed by the Fire Chief.