Development Engineering

The Development Engineering Division ensures that private development complies with standards established to foster a sense of place and to further economic development objectives. They cooperatively work with the development community to ensure that all infrastructure built by developers meet the goals, policies, standards, and general engineering best practices of the City to ensure they are safe, reliable, and maintainable.


Energy Efficiency Climate Action Plan

The Energy Efficiency Climate Action Plan (EECAP) provides a road map for enhancing energy efficiency throughout the City's residential, commercial, and industrial communities.

A key goal is to connect American Canyon residents and businesses to resources that will help them use energy more efficiently, save money, and improve the quality of life for current and future residents. The EECAP is available for review. Please click on the link below.

Energy Saving Tips

  • There are a variety of ways to save on energy use, such as:
  • Replacing old appliances with Energy Star labeled appliances
  • Replacing incandescent light bulbs with energy efficient ones (CFLs or LEDs)
  • Insulating your home (attic, walls, water heater, and exposed pipes)
  • Using cold water for laundry (90% of the energy is used for heating water)
  • Air drying laundry and dishes
  • Consider installing solar energy

There are rebates available for nearly all of these options. Find rebates and incentives for residents of Napa County.

Energy Saving Resources

Energy Upgrade California
Your one-stop-shop for home improvement projects that lower your energy use, conserve water and natural resources, and make your home healthier and more comfortable. Homeowners can get up to $4,000 back in rebates when you make your home more energy efficient, and there are local contractors who are trained and ready to do the work today.

PG&E Rebates and Cash Incentives
vailable for completing energy-efficiency projects at your home or business.

Savings By Design (SBD)
Californiaʼs nonresidential new construction energy efficiency program, administered statewide and funded by Utility customers through the Public Purpose Programs surcharge applied to gas and electric services. Savings By Design encourages energy-efficient building design and construction practices, promoting the efficient use of energy by offering up-front design assistance supported by financial incentives based on project performance. Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) is a participating utility.

PG&E Home Energy Checkup
It's fast, easy and costs you nothing. All you have to do is answer a few basic questions about your home and your lifestyle habits. PG&E will send you an estimate of what’s using energy in your home and a list of personalized, suggested improvements from PG&E that can help save energy and costs.

Sustainable Napa County
Numerous links to energy saving resources.

California State Water-Efficient Landscape Ordinance

In September 2009, the state adopted the Water Conservation in Landscaping Act of 2006 (AB 1881). As of January 1, 2010, all local jurisdictions will be required to implement this law, with the aim of reducing water consumption by landscaping.

Landscaping is believed to use, on average, more than half the water used in urban areas. The state Department of Water Resources (DWR) has prepared a Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance(PDF, 373KB) (MWELO) for use by local jurisdictions to ensure a reduction of water waste and to stretch the limited water supplies of the state. For your convenience the City has MWELO Applicability & Submittal Guidance(PDF, 89KB).

The new state ordinance contains specific requirements related to the design, installation, maintenance, and performance of new and rehabilitated landscapes. The designs must be based on regional conditions, including average rainfall and plants (and irrigation) adapted to the local area.

The ordinance applies to all new or rehabilitated landscapes over 2,500 square feet in size for all commercial, industrial, and developer-installed residential landscaping. It also applies to homeowner-installed new residential landscapes over 5,000 square feet that need a building or landscape permit, or plan check.

The DWR MWELO handout(PDF, 583KB) presents an overview of the water efficient landscaping ordinance, including several of its more important requirements.