Streets, Traffic & Transportation

Public Works staff are constantly maintaining, constructing, and improving our transportation infrastructure; although State Route 29 is not a City facility, we are constantly developing new ways to improve traffic flow through the City in coordination with CalTrans. We maintain streets, the storm drain system, street lights, and traffic signals.

Report a Problem to Us

If your concern involves an immediate threat to life or safety please dial 911.

Traffic signal timing, missing signs, streetlight outages, potholes, roadway debris, and other maintenance concerns can be reported online or by calling (707) 647-4550.


Traffic Impact Fee NEXUS Study – Final(PDF, 1MB)

Traffic Impact Study Guidelines(PDF, 243KB)

Traffic Study Thresholds of Significance(PDF, 276KB)

Napa Valley Transportation Authority (NVTA) Highway 29 Corridor Improvement Plan

Napa Valley Transportation Authority (NVTA) County Pedestrian Plan