Candidate David Oro


David Oro

Age:  51

Occupation:  Councilmember / Business Owner

American Canyon needs a Mayor to bring in fresh, experienced leadership to guide our city to a brighter future. Over the years, I have consistently met commitments and achieved results. With extensive experience and strong community relationships, I am ready to build on our strong foundation and momentum.

As your Councilmember and Vice Mayor, I’ve spearheaded efforts to secure a sustainable water future through the Sites Reservoir, supported local businesses, revitalized streets with new bike lanes and walkable neighborhoods, enhanced traffic circulation with the opening of Devlin Road, provided housing for all income levels, expanded our police and fire departments for better public safety, and initiated the development of a town center while improving the Broadway Corridor.

By voting for me as the next Mayor, you’re choosing a proven leader who will elevate American Canyon into a destination, not a drive-thru. A bedrock community with a unique identity and exceptional quality of life. As your Mayor, I will focus on smart growth, community safety, and improving the place we call home.

Join local leaders and countless residents in making the right choice. Vote David Oro for Mayor of American Canyon.