Meetings & Agendas



How to View Meetings

- View televised meetings live on Napa Valley TV Channel 28.

- Watch live on your computer, tablet or phone, by clicking the “In Progress” link next to the meeting on the Meetings and Agendas page.

- View the meeting live on the City of American Canyon YouTube Channel.

How to Participate in Meetings

The City of American Canyon welcomes public comments as part of the public meeting process. Please review the below information for instructions on how to provide your comments orally during the meeting, or how to submit written comments directly to the meeting body.

Written Comments

  • On our Meetings and Agendas page, find the active “eComment” link to the right of the agenda date. You will be taken to a new webpage, where you will see the selected agenda and a “Comment” button to the right of each item.
  • Once they select Comment next to an agenda item, commenters can select a position (Oppose, Neutral, Support) and write their comment, 1000 character maximum.
  • Commenters will be able to view all comments made on each item.
  • eComments will be enabled until the meeting concludes; however, to ensure sufficient time for review, only comments received up to 3 pm on the day of the meeting will be distributed to the meeting body and management staff before the meeting.
  • Comments received after the 3 pm cut off time will be distributed to the meeting body and management staff the next business day.
  • All comments received will become part of the meeting record.
  • No comments will be read aloud during the meeting.

Oral Comments

Register to Speak During the Meeting

  • On our Meetings and Agendas page, click or tap the “eComment” link to the right of the agenda you wish to speak on. You will be taken to a new webpage, where you will see the selected agenda. To the right of each agenda item, you’ll see a button labeled “Sign in to Speak” or “Register to Speak”. 
    • Sign in to Speak: The button will say Sign in to Speak if you are not signed in, yet. Click or tap Sign in to Speak to sign in or create an account. Once you login or create an account, you’ll automatically be taken back to the agenda. The button to the right of each agenda item should now say Register to Speak.
    • Register to Speak: If the button says Register to Speak, you’re already registered and signed in. Click or tap Register to Speak to complete your registration to speak. Once you select “I agree, Register Me,” you’ll receive an email confirmation.
  • Join the Zoom meeting by following the Zoom link on the agenda or join the meeting via audio only on your phone. Zoom dial-in information is provided in each agenda.
  • When the Mayor/Chair calls each item, the Clerk will call each REGISTERED person to speak in the order they appear on the screen.
  • The Mayor/Chair has the discretion to determine how many minutes each speaker may address the meeting body, up to three minutes, as well as how long public comment will be received for each agenda item. At the Mayor/Chair’s discretion, there may be an allotted maximum time limit for speakers per agenda item (i.e. 60 minutes) to allow the legislative body adequate time for deliberation.

Unregistered Speakers 

  • Join the Zoom meeting by following the Zoom link on the agenda or join the meeting via audio only on your phone. Zoom dial-in information is provided in each agenda.
  • When the Mayor/Chair calls each item, the Clerk will call each REGISTERED speaker first. Following the registered speakers, the Clerk will ask for Zoom participants to use the “Raise Your Hand” Zoom feature to make an oral comment. The City Clerk will call each raised hand to speak in the order they appear on the screen.
  • To avoid confusion, all hands raised outside of the Public Comment periods will be lowered.
  • The Mayor/Chair has the discretion to determine how many minutes each speaker may address the legislative body, up to three minutes, as well as how long public comment will be received for each agenda item. At the Mayor/Chair’s discretion, there may be an allotted maximum time limit for speakers per agenda item (i.e. 60 minutes) to allow the meeting body adequate time for deliberation.

Video Tutorial: eComment & Register to Speak