City Manager

The City Manager is appointed by the City Council. As Chief Administrative Officer of the City, the City Manager provides overall administration and direction for all areas of City government. The City Manager ensures that all goals, policies and priorities established by the City Council are met; supports the City Council by presenting information and recommendations that facilitate informed policy making; oversees community and intergovernmental relations; and provides direction and leadership to City staff.

City Manager Jason Holley

Jason Holley

Jason Holley became American Canyon’s City Manager in October 2017 after serving four years as Public Works Director. During his tenure, American Canyon has fostered economic growth through new development and housing production. While these efforts help ensure American Canyon’s fiscal stability, they are carefully aligned with infrastructure investments and enhanced public safety - all against the backdrop of sustainability and environmental stewardship.

Jason considers his track record of appointing women and persons of color to key leadership positions and supporting underrepresented groups with an empathetic, mentoring organizational culture to be a hallmark of his career.

After graduating from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with a degree in Agricultural Engineering in 2000, Jason began his career as a private consultant and a Registered Civil Engineer. He transitioned to the public sector in the mid-2000s with the City of Napa, where he led several high-profile infrastructure projects related to flood control and transportation and gained expertise in land development, emergency response and labor relations.

Jason lives in Napa with his wife, Robin, and their two children. Away from City Hall, he enjoys coaching youth sports, camping, skiing and, most of all, spending time with his family. 

Assistant City Manager Maria Ojeda

Maria Ojeda

Maria Ojeda joined American Canyon as the City’s first Assistant City Manager in September 2019.

Maria brings two decades of local government experience to American Canyon and has worked with several cities of varying sizes throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Prior to American Canyon, she served as Deputy City Manager for the City of Pleasanton and Finance Director for the Town of Yountville.

An East Bay native, Maria received a Bachelor of Arts from Notre Dame de Namur University in Belmont, CA. She also has a Masters in Public Administration from the University of Kansas and is a graduate of the University of Virginia’s Senior Executive Leadership Institute. Maria is an active member of the International City Management Association, Local Government Hispanic Network and Municipal Management Association of Northern California.

Maria also speaks fluent Spanish--a skill that provides the City additional capacity to ensure community engagement with all residents of American Canyon.

Outside of work, Maria enjoys cooking, gardening and spending time with her family. She volunteers regularly with her church, assisting with a Sunday School program and hosting Spanish lessons for people interested in mission work in Spanish-speaking areas.