City Council Goals & Strategies

Our Vision

The Vision is a statement of the desired future. It reflects what the City wants to become. The vision drives the work the City does, guides how business is done, and informs the goals and priorities pursued.

Vision American Canyon. Home to an engaged, diverse community. Destination for outdoor recreation and natural beauty. Hub of opportunity and economic vitality.

Our Mission

The City's mission is a statement of the purpose of the organization. It fundamentally defines what the organization stands for and what we do.

Our mission is to deliver exemplary services that are responsive to community priorities, ensure a healthy and sustainable organization, and drive us toward our shared vision for the future.

Our Values

Our values drive behavior and support effective implementation of the mission, goals and strategies that lead us toward our community vision. The City has identified six core values and five strategic values that are essential to the work we do.

Our organizational core values, how we do business - fiscal responsibility - professional excellence - transparency and accountability - customer focus - integrity,

Our strategic values, how we accomplish the core values - creativity and innovation - leadership - collaboration and teamwork - community engagement - results oriented.




City Council Goals & Strategies

Public Safety

Ensure American Canyon remains a safe community.

  • Ensure American Canyon is prepared for emergencies and disasters.
  • Engage and respond to the community’s safety concerns.

Community and Sense of Place

Build on the strength of our local community to develop a clear ‘sense of place’ and establish our unique identity.

  • Develop and strengthen placemaking opportunities.
  • Promote a unique community identity.
  • Encourage residential/commercial development within Watson Ranch.
  • Expand network of community groups and volunteer opportunities.


Economic Development and Vitality

Attract and expand diverse business and employment opportunities.

  • Identify opportunities for businesses.
  • Facilitate industrial/commercial development within Green Island Industrial
  • Facilitate mixed-use development within Broadway District Specific Plan area.
  • Encourage and facilitate tourism.
  • Expand jurisdictional boundaries to provide areas for future growth.

Outdoors and Recreation

Expand opportunities for use of outdoor recreation and an active and healthy lifestyle.

  • Ensure recreation programming and events attract a broad spectrum of participants.
  • Partner with community groups to deliver opportunities for organized activity.
  • Enhance parks and open space amenities.
  • Facilitate the development of interconnected trail systems.



Improve the transportation network within the city to alleviate congestion and enhance the quality of life for the community.

  • Improve traffic flow along Highway 29
  • Improve the condition of our local streets
  • Improve safety and access for bicyclists, pedestrians and users of public transportation
  • Expand network of local streets and parallel routes to Highway 29.


Develop and maintain infrastructure resources to support sustainable growth.

  • Deliver high-quality drinking water from a stable, long-term supply.
  • Provide recycled water alternatives for non-potable uses.
  • Collect and treat non-industrial and industrial wastes effectively and efficiently.
  • Prevent flooding of natural and man-made drainage systems.

Quality Services and Organizational Effectiveness

Deliver exemplary government services.

  • Ensure fiscal stability to deliver services and maintain assets.
  • Emphasize customer service and community priorities.
  • Engage the entire community.
  • Implement new technology.
  • Encourage continuous improvement and best practices.
  • Increase employee engagement and development programs.



Demonstrate leadership in environmental sustainability.

  • Pursue net-zero climate pollution for city operations.
  • Fortify locations vulnerable to climate change.
  • Collaborate with regional partners to reduce climate pollutants.
  • Identify lands for new development while preserving other lands as open space.
  • Educate the community to obtain buy-in for behavior change.