Mayor Leon Garcia

Mayor Leon Garcia



Term Dates

Re-elected November 2020

Term Expires November 2024

About Mayor Leon Garcia

Mayor Leon Garcia was elected to City Council in 2002, two years after moving to American Canyon. He won the City’s first mayoral election in 2006 and, to date, remains the City’s only elected mayor. Leon is passionate about advancing projects that serve the interests and needs of residents. Since 2017, he’s been a strong advocate for the City’s Broadway District Specific Plan: a project designed to transform Highway 29 from an auto-oriented commercial area into a pedestrian-friendly town center.

Leon currently serves on the local Community and Parks Foundation. He’s also a member of several regional and statewide organizations, including the Napa Valley Transportation Authority, Napa County League of Governments, Association of Bay Area Governments, and League of California Cities North Bay Division.

Leon is an avid volunteer with several local organizations, including the Community Action Napa Valley, Kiwanis Club of American Canyon, the Community Leadership Coalition and Working Families of Napa and Solano Counties. He’s also involved in two emergency preparedness-related efforts: Napa Valley’s Community Organizations Active in Disasters and American Canyon’s Community Emergency Response Team.

In his professional career, Leon was a registered nurse for 34 years: 27 at Napa State Hospital and seven at Yountville Veterans Home. He and his wife, Eva, have six adult children and two grandchildren. Fun fact: Leon learned to fly an airplane in a college aeronautics program.

Disclaimer: In order to further the effective electronic exchange of information and views between the City’s residents and their elected representatives, the City of American Canyon provides each individual member of the Mayor and City Council with a page on the City’s Website. The contents of this page have been chosen by the individual council member, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the City of American Canyon, its Mayor and Council, or other individual council members.