Project Application Process

The entitlement process is the review and steps involved to get approval for a project. This is also sometimes referred to as the development process. For certain projects you need entitlements before you are allowed to get building permits and start construction. Not all steps outlined here are required in all circumstances, but this gives you a general idea of the entitlement process in American Canyon.

Step 2.Information Gathering

Look up the Zoning and General Plan land use requirements to learn about what’s allowed on the property. The proposed project or land use change should be compatible with surrounding areas. Contact local utilities and other agencies to see if other requirements will be necessary.

Zoning Ordinance

Subdivision Ordinance

Step 3.Consult with Us

We strongly recommend applicants request a meeting with Planning Division staff before beginning the process. Pre-application meetings help ensure a smooth application process.

Email us to request an appointment for preliminary review.

Step 4.Talk to Neighbors

We recommend applicants meet with nearby neighbors and people who may be affected by the change. Discuss the proposed change and learn if they have concerns. When applicants talk to the neighbors, they'll be able to receive comments and resolve conflicts before the Planning Commission review. Failure to conduct outreach activities may result in a tabling of the request. 

Step 6.Project Deposit Processing & Review

The applicant will be invoiced via email after the application is received by our staff. 

Once the project deposit fee is paid, we'll review the application. Staff may contact the applicant with questions, ask for more information, or recommend changes for clarity, which may require an Entitlement Resubmittal Form.

Step 7.We'll Publish a Notice of Public Hearing

Staff will collaborate with the applicant to schedule a public hearing with the Planning Commission. The public hearing notice will be published in the Vallejo Times Herald a minimum of ten days before the hearing date and posted on the city's public meeting boards. The notice will also be electronically distributed to local media, subscribed stakeholders, and posted on the city's website. We notify property owners and residents within a 500-foot radius of the subject property. Anyone interested can submit comments to us or speak at the public hearing.

Step 8.Present Project Proposal

Planning Commission public hearings take place in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. Applicants are highly encouraged to come to the public hearing in person to meet the Planning Commission and present their project.

Here's what to expect:

  • The Planning staff introduces and explains the request to the Planning Commission.

  • The applicant will be asked to present information on the proposal. The Planning Commission will ask any questions they have, then allow public comment on the application.

  • The applicant will have a chance to respond to any concerns or questions.

  • After the public hearing ends, the Planning Commission deliberates on the request in open session. The Planning Commission may approve, approve with conditions, deny or table the application.

Step 9.We'll Follow up in Writing

We'll provide the applicant a letter with the Planning Commission's decision. The letter will include any conditions of approval. If the Planning Commission denies the application, the applicant may appeal the decision to the City Council. The applicant must file an appeal within ten (10) days of the Planning Commission's decision. All City Council decisions are final.