Dear American Canyon Community,
Traffic calming and safety is a high priority for all of us. Through the City of American Canyon's Traffic Calming Program, we aim to take a data-driven approach to focus infrastructure design, public education, and enforcement efforts around the goal of zero traffic fatalities or severe injuries. The Program provides a framework for the community to submit concerns for problem areas to our Team for evaluation, classifies the appropriate traffic calming measures to incorporate on our streets and roadways, and affords criteria to assess the magnitude of the need and probable effectiveness of an installation.
We will continue to build upon the Program's foundation through the vastly treasured spirit of American Canyon's community members, where everyone is welcome, and we come together to face challenges.
The collective safety of our roadways depends on the individual choices we all make. We encourage you to take the We ❤ Safe Streets Pledge and promote it to your family and neighbors.
As a community, each of us contributes to the success of ensuring American Canyon remains the best place to live, work, and play safely. On behalf of our Traffic Working Group, thank you for doing your part in creating a culture of safety in our community.
Erica Ahmann Smithies
Public Works Director
(707) 647-4558
Rick Greenberg
American Canyon Police Chief
(707) 551-0600
Geoff Belyea
American Canyon Fire Protection District Chief
(707) 551-5650